Battle Grounds: Episode 2- The Battle Book
Author: YardStyk
NFT Battle Miners is all about strategy and fun. PVP is just it, you have to build the best deck possible and destroy your opponent’s setup. To succeed, you will need to carefully plan your attacks and defenses.
Don´t worry! This time, Battle Grounds is proud to present: The Battle Book.
Power is Your Friend
In any given PVP battle, the power level of your card is undoubtedly the most important factor to consider. You need to protect your powerful cards while eliminating your opponent’s most powerful ones, it could be the deciding factor in the outcome of the battle!
Setup for Success
You need to ensure that the most powerful cards are around for the longest period. The best way to protect these cards is to put them in the back row, in that way they will not be attacked and eliminated early. By doing this, you can ensure that they will be available later in the game to destroy damaged opponents.
Use Those Consumables!
In any battle, knowing your enemy is half the battle. If you’re up against an opponent who is using consumables, it’s important to take a few minutes to understand the value of each one. What are they trying to accomplish with that specific consumable? What is the best way to counter it? Over time, you’ll also come to understand the best time to deploy your consumables. The key here is to closely observe what experienced Battleminers do in matches against you. Use that knowledge to improve your strategy.
Understanding your play order is vital
In the heat of battle, it’s easy to lose track of what’s going on. But if you can stay focused, you’ll notice that the cards are played in order of lowest to highest energy. This means that you can eliminate a card before it even has a chance to play. And since consumables can only be applied when a card is having its turn, attacking it right before or after its turn could be a big advantage. Pay close attention to the flow of battle, and you’ll be able to take down your opponents with ease.
Deciding What to Attack
Power is your opponent’s friend and your enemy. It is always a good idea to eliminate their most powerful cards as early as you can in the round.
Be Aware of Special Abilities
Your in-game capability is only as good as your complete knowledge of all aspects of the game. This is why understanding special abilities is important. They provide unique value to a card, making it more powerful and versatile. Each ability has its strengths and weaknesses, so it’s important to understand the mechanics of every card.
Have Fun
The best thing about Player vs Player combat is that it provides players with an enjoyable and challenging way to test their skills against one another. Whether you’re looking for fierce competition or just a fun way to blow off some steam, PvP combat is the perfect way to do it. There’s nothing quite like the thrill of victory when you come out on top against another player, and no matter how good you are, there’s always someone out there ready to give you a good battle.
Finally, don’t be afraid to ask for help from experienced players. There’s no shame in admitting that you need some assistance, and you’ll be surprised at how helpful others can be. With a little bit of practice, you will be able to develop your unique strategies and become a master of the game. What are you waiting for? Get out there and start playing NBM PVP Battleminers!