🚀 We are thrilled to unveil our Loyalty Program!
🚀 This program rewards players who return each season to Shadow Depths and consistently purchase season passes, allowing them to build momentum and collect incredible rewards for SD, Mining Operations and Alchemy even!
ℹ️ How does it work?
When you purchase a pass for your clone, you unlock Streak 1 and can claim unique rewards.
In the next season, purchasing another pass increases your streak to Streak 2, unlocking even more rewards.
Each higher streak (e.g., 1, 2, 3, 4) grants increasingly powerful rewards, such as XP, in-game items, small packs, Construction Packs, and more!
ℹ️ Cumulative Streak Rewards:
The rewards get better with each streak!
Higher streaks include most of the rewards from previous streaks, making this system exceptionally valuable for our loyal supporters.
(see rewards in the video below)
ℹ️ Important Details:
Consistency is key: If you do not purchase a season pass a season, your streak resets to 0.
Multiple clones, multiple streaks: Each clone can build its own streak, meaning purchasing multiple passes unlocks multiple streaks alongside each other!
🫶 Special Reward for Loyal Players:
To thank our long-term supporters, we’re crediting everyone 50% of their longest streak, rounded down. For example:
If you’ve purchased passes for the last 6/7 seasons, you’ll start at Streak 3.
🔥 We’re excited to reward your dedication and can’t wait to see you build your streaks in the upcoming seasons!
Your NBM Team
❤️ The NBM Team would like to sincerely thank @RapidRagingMiner(_Read Roadmap_) for designing this wonderful concept and taking the time to discuss it with us. We also extend our gratitude to @YardStyk and @melon3 for reviewing it.
🔥 Reminder: Don’t forget to grab your pre-sale pass in the NBM Shop!