NBM, HOW TO PLAY : Let’s be strategic, let’s be smart and… let’s make some money!
Hello miners (and happy new year)!
In the NBM Ultimate guide (available in 15 languages), we learnt all the NBM basics.
Among those, we saw that :
Your production = (RESM of the land + construction(s)) x (RESM of your active cards) + % Construction bonus. (If this statement is too complex, please read our Ultimate guide, especially article 7)
Good… And?
Did you know that the NBM game is much more complex that is appears? Did you notice that many shortcuts exist to help you progress faster?
If not, we will share with you few tricks:
Never forget that one of the most important section of the NBM website is: the ‘library section’ (available on the NBM website).
Using this glossary, you can see all the cards along with their respective attributes.
Let’s have a look and… let’s learn some tips:
Tip 1 — Understand the table!
Filter all the NBM NFTs by type and choose the ‘construction’ type. Look at the common ‘Mining Facility’ stats (yes, the one that we all have!). You can see that if you upgrade this construction to level 2, you can double its RESM:
Only 1 tiny level up will strongly boost your yields! Not that bad right!
Tip 2 — The same goes with lands!
Have you ever wonder why the Deep ocean mine is one of the most expensive land? This land is 1) not that good 2) not the rarest and 3) even worst : at the ultimate level, the Deep ocean mine has a limited size and a poor RESM. So what’s going on?
->For this land, between the levels common 1 — rare 5, every level up increases its RESM by 1 (with a RESM of 13 at the level Rare 5!):
A RESM of 13 is normally seen on the Legendary/Ultimate lands! Hence, despite having a size of only 3, this land with its 13 RESM (R5 level) is a perfect land to easily boost your production.
Finally, if you are more into NFTs, the same goes at the epic level!
Tip 3 — Build your strategy
Based on the tip 1 and 2, we hope that you understood the importance of studying the library section. If yes, you will quickly realize that some cards/level up are good for early game, some are excellent for middle game and some are necessary for late game.
Early, middle, late game, what does it mean?
We saw in tip number 1 that a single level up on the common mining facility (level 1 to level 2) can double its yield. Thus, it is recommended to perform those level up early during the establishment of your installations.
We also saw on tip number 2 that the deep ocean mine is one of the best land to own in order to boost your production. And this land is excellent especially at the rare level, a middle game stage intended for advanced players. However, the deep ocean mine has a limited size. Thereby, this land is not made for the final stage of the game.
And without any surprise, the strongest lands/cards made for late game have poor attributes during early game.
For instance, the floating island is a very rare land, the worst for the beginners. But once you reach the Ultimate level, this land is the best (Size 5 / RESM 15).
Hence, based on those informations, it is essential to build a long term strategy to maximize your production.
Last tip : resources :
Not all resources are equals. Fusium is easier to extract than Constructium. But NFT fusions consume a lot of Fusium. Also, do not forget that not all the lands are equals : some lands are rarer than others. All these parameter add many variables in the big equation of the establishment of the NBM optimal setup.
In conclusion:
NFT Battle Miners is very strategic game full of shortcuts designed to boost your production. It is up to you to identify them and build the best strategy. Which card will you upgrade, which card will you sacrifice, and most importantly, how will you develop on the long term? All those choices are up to you!
‘The essence of strategy is choosing what not to do’ Michael E. Porter
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